Hello and welcome to the all new home for everything and anything Impistry!

Pardon our dust as we unpack on a NEW webhost!
Within the site you’ll find a handy dandy Imp guide to see how to tell each one apart, a catalog so that you can see who is all available for Impdoption, a guide on how to go through the custom commission process, random impformation, and so much more!
This page is going to be dedicated to all sorts of different impformational topics.

This page is currently under construction
please check back later!

For anyone who may catch your eye, feel free to take note of their number(s), and please use the email found in my general contact section of the site to send me a message with whomever you would like to Impdopt at that time. Please include whatever email you would like me to use for the Invoice, and your shipping address so I can calculate the proper shipping for you.I do try to get premades off within 3 business days after Impdoption, but sometimes unforeseen things do happen and their trip may be delayed (which I will inform you if there is a delay) .Please note: All Impdoptions are subject to a 7.5% sales tax + the cost of shipping (USPS insurance is included on ALL US based Impdoptions due to the one of a kind nature of each creation; International orders may request insurance be added, but it is not included)

Currently available Imps, Mini Imps, Micro Imps, and Sproutlings for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)

Currently available Implings ready for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)

Currently available Implets ready for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)

Currently available MerImps and MerImplings ready for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)

Currently available Wixlings ready for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)

Currently available Wix ready for Impdoption
(Price + shipping and 7% tax)
Please be sure to read the Impdoption Process page before inquiring and contact the artist if you have any additional questionsIf you are wanting to commission a Custom Friend from me, please answer the following questions to get the ball rolling. I will send you a more comprehensive questionnaire depending upon which type of commission you may be seeking to hash out further details. Just copy and paste everything into the message area to fill it outEmail for invoicing (if different from primary email)?Postal Zipcode and Country for shipping quote?Type of Commission you are seeking?
(Possible commission types: Imp, Impling, Implet, Sproutling Cuddler, Muris (MerImp/MerImpling), Wixling, or Wix)What is the keyword from the TOS?Please email your responses to Dragontrap@yahoo.com with the subject line 'Custom Commission Inquiry'

Looking for Muri, Micro Imp, or Wix Impdoption impformation? Click hereYou're more than likely on this section of the site because you are interested in Impdopting (our way of saying Adopting, because you do not buy them, you IMPdopt them) an Imp of your very own; and that is a wonderful thing! Every imp is special and unique, and each one needs a loving and forever home.Are you that special someone who can provide the best environment for your Imp? I bet you are!Now I am sure you are wondering what all is involved in the process, and I have to say that it isn't very hard, you just need to be understanding that Imps have their own way of coming into the world, and it may take a little while before you can bring one into your life. But never fear, I'm here to guide you so that you have a full understanding before you decide to delve into Impdoption an Imp of your very own.The creative process can take upwards of two to three weeks, but this is to insure that the Imp Meister has time to work on them and make their unique personalities shine. It rarely takes that long to bring them to life, but we want to ensure that there is enough time to get them made and sent on their travels to their end destination without any issues. There are times when the wait period may be longer than 2-3 weeks, but I will let you know accordingly if that if the case.And like it was stated earlier, you do not buy Imps, you Impdopt them; and like all adoptions, there is a nominal fee to cover this process. Basic Custom Impdoptions for Imps and Wixlings start at $90, Implets start at $70, Implings start at $60. This fee covers their creation, housing, feeding, and the paperwork that goes into making sure they are legal and ready to go to their new homes (and their travel accommodations are covered in the shipping part). Each commission is also subject to a 7.5% sales tax that has to be collected at the time of paying all Impdoption fees + shipping costsNow there are two ways of going about an Impdoption:Impdopting a premade Friend. These will be announced on Tumblr and Bluesky, and they will be listed in the Catalog once they are available (if they are not in the catalog after being listed on social media, then they are no longer available).See if I have any openings on my waitlist and contacting me. If I do not have any open slots right away, you will be placed on a wait-list to be contacted in the order that I received inquires.If you choose the first option, you will just need to keep an eye on Tumblr, Bluesky, or listed in the Catalog for when anyone comes up for Impdoption.If you go with the second option, please bear in mind that I will not require any payment until you actually are contacted regarding your commission once your spot comes to the top of the waitlist (waitlist is first come, first served).Once I am ready to begin the commission process with you, I'll
be using the originally submitted Custom Commission Form to check and see if you were planning in mailing me socks, or if you were interested in seeing what sorts of colors/patterns I may have on hand.Sending socks to me:If you are planning on having me use socks that you provide, be they just a pattern you really like or something that is near and dear to your heart, use the following guide to see if your chosen socks have enough material for me to work with:A) Imps & Wixlings1.Adult-sized socks require the following amounts:Shortie/No show - 2 pairs (4 socks)
Crew/Calf - 1 pair
Knee/Thigh high - 1 sock2. Kid-sized socks (Imps tend to run a little smaller, need at least crew-sized):Shortie/No show - 3 pairs (5 socks)
Crew/Calf - 2 pair (3 socks)
Knee/Thigh high - 1 pairB) ImplingsImplings need a minimum of 1 adult pair of ankle socks (crew socks are ideal however), OR a child's pair of size 7-9 crew socksC) ImpletsImplets can be made with a single pair of baby socks, but I recommend a pair of crew toddler socks (these little ones are TINY but are harder to make than Implings)Special note on Screen Printed socks:Please be aware that while screen printed socks can have some interesting and neat images printed on then, the final design may end up a bit faded due to being stretched or distorted by the making process due to the design being printed onto the sock instead of being woven in.IMPORTANT: If the socks are new and have not come in contact with any weird smells, smoke, or pet dander, then you do not need to wash them before sending them to me. If the socks are second hand, please launder them before mailing them to me (I will not accept any dirty or stinky socks, stained socks are fine however as long as they are clean).Also, If the socks you are picking are very thin or the material they are made from is not exactly the best, they may not be suitable for Imp making. If you are unsure if the socks you have picked are suitable to use, just be sure to show them to me via an emailed image, and I'll let you know!Please be aware that if you are sending me socks to use, you are responsible for paying the shipping costs to send them to me (if you do not wish to cover this, then please go with the picking from my stash option)Picking socks from my stash:With this option, I'll be using the Commission form to see what colors or pattern types you may be interested in. I'll go through my sock stash and see what I have for selections, and send you a photo of 5-6 choices that I think may be close to your request; if none of these choices are a good fit, we'll continue the process until you spot something that speaks to you.As a side note: If you want to be very specific with your choice, you may want to go with the send your own socks option instead of seeing what I have on hand.Once we have narrowed your sock choice to the pair you want used (or if you are mailing me socks, once the socks arrive), we'll go ahead and move onto the next part of the process with picking the corresponding fabric for the lining portions that appear in things like ears, hands, feet, and wings. Just like with the socks, I'll send you a few photo choices I think may work with your chosen or provided socks, and we'll narrow it down until we find something you like.If you have chosen to have horns on your Imp, we will address that at this point by giving you a few wool felt color choices I think may work. I'll again let you pick which ones you like, and set it with everything else. The actual horn style/shape will not be mocked up until towards the end of the creation process, but I will further contact you with photos of paper mockup horns to approve or have altered.If you have decided to include any mutations, this will be addressed during the fabric choice process.After all of that is square away, I'll put together the final choices along with the threads I think would work best to tie everything together, the buttons I plan on using, and will send you a final photo of everything so you can see it all together before I begin the creation process of your new little friend.Once everything has been approved, it is at this point that there is a NO REFUND policy as per my TOS because once I have started, the process is pretty quick and straightforward. You need to let me know well ahead of time before I begin if you have changed your mind and want to cancel your commission (the final approval stage is the last point in which you can cancel your commission before I move onto the creation portion).Twitch streaming: If you have opted to have your little one's creation streamed live on Twitch, I'll be sure to get with you to confirm a day/time that works best for you. Keep in mind that Imps and Wixlings require two to three 2-hour streams to be completed, Implings require about 2 1/2 hours, and Implets can be finished in a single stream.I also can be found streaming randomly from time to time if you just want to pop in and watch me work (this is random and I do not have a set schedule atm).Still interested in a commission?If you made it this far and still wish to go through the Impdoption creation process, please go read my Terms of Service and then fill out the Custom Commission form (the keyword is IMPTASTIC) so that I can contact you once I am ready to begin the Impdoption process with you (if I do not have anyone on my waiting list, then you will be contacted as soon as I have a chance to review your commission form).If you have any additional questions beyond what has already been covered, or a part of the process is not as clear as it should be, please feel free to contact me via my email on my contact page and I'll try to answer all of your additional questions via email.

So you've decided you want to Impdopt a Muri or Micro Imp, or are interested in tackling a Wix. Well good on you! You are in the right place for all of the extra impformation in regards to the special Impdoptions of these types.The normal rules from the main Impdoption process still apply (creation time, shipping, payments, etc), but there are extra
things included in these types of Impdoptions that are not offered with the normal commissions; namely there is minky and embroidery involved in the case of the Muris or the Wix, and the Micro Imps are a rare creation that have not been offered prior to this point in time (but decided I am willing to offer them as a possible commission if someone is really interested).First and foremost I'm going to touch on each group individually, breaking down how their creation process is handled, and the different options that are available.Muris (MerImps & MerImplings):Muris are a blend of sock and minky combination; Their upper half is sock, and their tail lower half is crafted in minky. This means that their upper half is very similar to normal Imps/Implings in creation, but their lower half is something that is unique to them.Currently there is an embroidered fishtail lower half that is available for Custom Impdoptions, but it is possible to have other aquatic creature tails designed for individuals if you are interested.MerImp commissions start at $110, and MerImplings start at $90 for the fishtail variety (this offered variety will change as more are created). If you are interested in having a different aquatic creature lower half that is not offered, an additional $150 will be added to the commission quote to cover the time and cost of designing/testing a brand new pattern (testing a new pattern can take upwards of several weeks, so please be aware it make take longer than the 2-3 week window normally offered).Just like with Imps, there is a process of selecting socks from my stash (or sending me socks if you want to go that route), matching it with a batik fabric for the inside of the ears, palms of the hands (if it is a MerImp), and inside the wings. When it comes to the minky tail portion, I will give you a few options from my stash of what might work best with the socks chosen and will double check with you after each step to make sure everything is good to go before starting on your custom new friend.- If you are wanting to send socks, MerImp or MerImpling require at a minimum 1 pair of Adult Ankle Socks to have enough material to work with.Micro Imps:These are the smallest Imps that I offer, and they are a rarity due to how hard it is to turn such tiny pieces without destroying them (so far there have only ever been 2 made). They are made in much the same way as normal sized Imps, but sit less than 5" tall, so the Impdoption creation process is exactly the same as a normal Imp/Sproutling only in miniature (sock selection/mailing me socks, batik fabrics, wool felt horns or no horns at all, hand embroidery, etc).Due to the difficulty with their creation, Micro Imp Impdoption fees start at $275.Micro Imps do have the option of mutations such as:- Larger than normal bird or bat wings (add $25)- Larger than normal horns (add $10)- No WingsIf you are wanting to send socks, Micro Imps require at least 1 pair of crew socks (either adult crew, or a child's size 7-9)Wix:The Wix are completely made from minky with embroidered faces and wings; they are very sculptural in nature and the main bodies only come in dark minky colors (so their color pallet is limited). With that said, the batik fabric I use to line the ears/palms/feet is open to all sorts of bright and interesting colors, as well as there are quite a few embroidery color options for the eyes/mouth/wings (so there are lots of color choices in this range).The Wix Impdoption fees start at $110Wix do not come with any known mutations

Pardon our dust while we unpack!
Impistry was started on November 19th, 2011, and there is currently only ONE artist working on all things related to Impistry
I make my own patterns for all of the Imps/Others and continually tweak them as needed
Everyone is crafted with love and care
I never actually name anyone unless I plan on keeping them; I leave the task of naming new Impdoptions to their Impdopters.
All Imps, Wixlings, and Wix are classified as fae (or faeries)
Currently there are the following types available to be found: Imps, Sproutlings, Mini Imps, Micro Imps, Implings, Implets, MerImps, MerImplings, Wixlings, Mini Wixlings, Micro Wixlings, Wix, and Micro Wix
How long does it take?I have a 2-3 week window of work time for a reason because times can actually vary depending upon what I am working on, and how much actual detailing or costuming there is (more details = extra work). Implets take the least amount of time, whereas Imps, Muris, and Wix can take the longest.I think the longest I have worked on an Imp was 3 1/2 weeks, which was Imp #512 (they had HUGE mutated wings, and a LOT of handsewn detailing)Resident Imp creation dates:
The very first Imp EVER created is named Proteus, and he is the king of the Imps; Proteus was created on Nov 19th, 2011
The very first Impling was created on July 29th, 2014 (this is the only prototype I did not keep)
The very first Implet, Pi, was created on June 18th, 2015; they were originally called 'Pocket Implings' (and now you know why Pi is named Pi). Pi was to see if I could create an Impling from a single pair of baby socks.
Tobermory my Micro Imp was created on July 6th, 2015; Tobermory ('Toby' for short), and was created to see how small I could actually make an actual Imp (Toby is made from a single pair of toddler socks).
Cipher Imp (Imp #365) was created on May 25, 2016
The very first Wixling, Sir Prize, was created on Oct 29th, 2017
Ghost the Micro Wixling was created on June 28th, 2018
The very first MerImp, Changing Tides (Tides for short), was created on Sep 6th, 2018
The very first Wix, Chunky Boi, was created on Nov 19th, 2018
The very first Micro Wix, Nova, was created on January 4, 2023
All terms listed below are subject to change as situations arise that require them, and will be changed accordingly without any prior notice.Minors (persons 17 and under):Please be aware that I can not work with anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, this means you CAN NOT LEGALLY enter into or be held liable for any form of Legally Binding Contract (which is what this TOS accounts to when you agree to the terms stated below), and will be asked to please have your legal guardian contact me regarding ANY further interactions.By the way, I am not saying this to discourage younger fans from Impdopting from me (I'm always thrilled when younger fans enjoy what I do!), but I legally can not directly sell to you due to the nature of United States Laws, and the fact minors can not enter into any contracts without their legal guardian's permission.NFTS
I do not participate in NFTS of ANY kind, and do not wish to have any of my works minted as such (commissions or otherwise). If you do end up taking my work and trying to mint it as an NFT, I will respond with appropriate legal action and demand monetary compensation, as well as blacklist you from any and all future works from me (in other words, do not do this if you wish to Impdopt from me at all) .Commission Terms and ConditionsBy commissioning me you are agreeing to the terms and conditions presented below:Payment (unless agreed otherwise) - Payment must be made in full in USD via Square Invoice. Payment is only required once I contact you regarding your slot on the commission list, but I require that all funds be paid up front before I start work on your commission. Please be aware there is a 7.5% sales tax on TOP of your commission that has to be collected at time of payment (this is not included in the commission itself and I am required to collect it for tax filing purposes).I generally do not accept payment plans, but depending upon what exactly you are having commissioned, I will consider them on a case by case basis (just please feel free to contact me regarding this). Commissions paid via payment plan will not commence until full payment has been received.Keep in contact - I will be contacting you during the commission process to check with you about different aspects of your commission, and I please ask that you respond in a timely manner so that I can be sure to finish your commission on time and with the utmost care.Right to refuse service - I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for ANY reason. If I feel as if you are being hateful, rude, constantly cursing, demanding excessive updates (constantly badgering me multiple times a day), inquiring about personal details, or are making it so that your commission is taking a toll on me mentally, I will at that point cease working on your commission and will then begin the refund process without a verbal warning.I have not had to deal with this as of thus far with any of my commissioners (everyone has been super lovely!), but I just wanted to make it very clear that I will not tolerate that sort of behavior. I treat each of my commissioners with respect, and I expect to be given the same treatment in kind.Cancellations - If the commission has not yet been started and the commissioner wishes to cancel once the payment has been made, I reserve the right to retain 30% of any funds paid to cover any fees, materials, and lost time. The other 70% of the funds (minus taxes) will be refunded to you at that point via Paypal or Square.If your commission has already been started, no refunds may be issued at that point and your commission will be completed as originally agreed upon.Changes to Commissions - Changes to commissions not yet started need to be discussed before I begin. Any changes needing to be made AFTER I start will be handled on a case by case basis. If I agree to make said requested changes after I have started, you will need to pay any additional costs that may arise from said changes if they are not something that would originally have been included at the time of commission, and will be informed of these before any work will continue.Returns & Refunds - Because of the custom nature of the One of a Kind creations that I make, I will not accept returns for custom made items and there will be no refunds issued.There is ONE acceptation to this rule and that is if the Original Imdopter has either passed on or that the little one Impdopted from me can not travel with you to a new location. You may contact me regarding these sorts of issues, and I'll be more than happy to speak with you to figure out what can be done with the now Wayward Imp (there will be no refunds issued for these cases if they happen to be sent back to me, but rest assured that I will do my best to either keep them in my care or find them a loving new home)Damages and Repairs - If your little one becomes damaged (i.e: mostly still in one piece & not ripped to shreds), you may send them back to me to have surgery done to fix your little one. The Imp Hospital has a $10 (+ return s&h & 7.5% tax) surgery fee that covers all repairs.Shipping & Handling - Shipping costs will be determined at the time of your commission; Depending upon where your final commission is being sent will determine the shipping method/ cost for shipping. Most domestic US orders are sent via First-Class USPS mail (weight can change this class however), International orders will be shipped via International Shipping through the USPS or UPS (depending upon which one is more affordable). You will receive a tracking number once I have packaged everything up and have created a shipping label.If you wish to have your order sent via a different carrier, please let me know and we can discuss which carriers may be better options.Any import charges, taxes etc. are the responsibility of the purchaser and not my own. Please research the import fees, taxes, etc. of your own country before committing to your purchase.Because of the One of a Kind nature of what I make, all US orders include insurance & tracking just on the off chance something should happen during shipping and your commission is damaged (shipping is NOT included in this claim). International shipping does not include insurance, but can be added upon request for a small fee.If you somehow have a damaged item arrive to you, please contact me and send me a picture of the damaged item so that I can make a determination as to the next best step to take.With that said, if your package becomes lost or stolen, you will need to take it up with the USPS because it is out of my hands at that point. I do not have any control over how the USPS handles your package, and I have no way of replacing an item that never makes it to its destination (These are all one of a kind handmade creations that can NEVER be duplicated or recreated). I will say I do track all packages from the time they leave my hands until they arrive at their final destination, so I will be keeping an eye on your commissions progress, but I have no control over when it will arrive to you.Premade Impdoption Terms and ConditionsAll of the other terms and conditions above do still apply, but there are a few additional terms that need to be covered for premades.Full Payment (including shipping and taxes) will be required in prior to shipment. Once you have discussed with me via email which little ones you are wanting to Impdopt and we have any other details ironed out, I will be sending you a Square Invoice to use to make your payment.PLEASE double check your mailing address to make sure it is the correct one. If the address you want your package sent to is different than what was emailed to me, please let me know in your initial email so that I am aware that I need to generate a different address shipping label.I am NOT to be held responsible if your mailing address is not correct, and your package is shipped to the wrong location. No refund will be issued in the case of an incorrect address. Once your package label has been generated, a tracking number will be emailed to you I try my best to get packages out in a timely manner via the USPS (normally within 3 business days), but sometimes unforeseen issues may arise that may interfere with shipping times. If there is an issue with sending your order out the next business day, I will contact you and let you know.Like with commission shipping, if you wish to have a different carrier used that is NOT the USPS, please let me know ahead of time and we can discuss which carrier option would be best for your shipment. If you have read this far and agree to the above Terms of Service, the key word is Imptastic (please include this in your email message so that I know you have read the TOS in full*)!
If you are looking at Impdopting a Premade cutie, or have and other general questions, please feel free to email me at Dragontrap@yahoo.com with either the number, description, or type of premade you are seeking to Impdopt (and include 'Premade Impdoption' in the subject line), and I'll get back with you as soon as I can.If you are wanting to do a custom Impdoption commission, please check my custom commission information over here so that I can see exactly what you may be looking for.ATTENTION UK, EU, and German Impdopters:Due to changes in laws in your respective countries, I can not actually send Imps to you directly from the US. If you happen to have a friend who lives outside of these areas and wish to have them Impdopt on your behalf (thus mailing it to you afterward), you or they are more than welcome to contact me about an Impdoption.Also please note that I can not send any packages marked as ‘GIFTS’ unless it is an ACTUAL gift, thus having a go-between individual is the only way I can actually send an Imp to you at this time. Should these laws/rules change in the future, I will revisit this notice.I kindly ask that you please do not send me ANY solicitations via my contact email. I am not looking for anyone trying to sell me goods or services, and any emails of that type will be deleted without any response from me (your email address will also go on my blacklist to prevent any future contact)